Manajemen Informatika (D3)
To become a superior vocational study program in Indonesia by 2040 that is highly committed to quality education in the field of Information Management (D3) to produce graduates who have competitive and professional values in meeting global demands.
- Organizing a quality and continuous learning process as well as regular and disciplined by applying the field of Information Management (D3) in accordance with the current and future needs of society.
- Conducting research in a programmatic manner in the field of Information Management (D3) and can significantly contribute to the development of science and information technology in Indonesia.
- Carrying out real community service activities by applying information technology that can encourage the development of public knowledge.
- Creating a conducive academic atmosphere
Profil Lulusan
Profil Lulusan bagi program studi Manajemen Informatika antara lain:
- Web, Desktop, dan Mobile Programmer: Memiliki kemampuan merancang dan membangun aplikasi berbasis web, desktop dan mobile
- Network Administrator: Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai jaringan, mampu meng-install perangkat serta melakukan pemeliharaan sistem jaringan komputer perusahaan/organisasi
- Junior Analyst: Mampu menuangkan semua pemahamannya ke dalam bentuktertulis dan melakukan pengujian terhadap sistem yang telah selesai dibangun.