Who We Are?

A brief history of MDP University

Starting as a course institution that was specifically oriented to provide training on various computer application programs, MDP was founded on July 1, 1987 in the city of Palembang, precisely at Jalan Rupit No. 20. At that time, there were only 2 computer laboratory facilities, and in November 1988 a branch was opened on Jalan Letkol Iskandar with 2 computer laboratory facilities. Along the time, especially to meet the need for skilled personnel in the field of computers and to further improve services, the management of MDP decided from 7 May 1990 to move to a new location on Jl. Lingkaran 1 No. 305, Palembang with a capacity of 6 (six) classes and better class facilities.

In order to meet the growing demands of the public who increasingly need an educational system that is directed according to their field of work, starting in August 1993 the MDP Computer Education Center opened a Computer Expert Education (1 year program) equivalent to Diploma I (D1) with a choice of majors: Informatics Engineering , Computer Engineering, Computerized Accounting, Computer Graphic Design, and in the year of 2000 added a major that is currently a trend in the internet world, namely the Department of E-commerce.

Based on the desire to participate in the development of the Republic of Indonesia, especially the development of people with integrity and ability in the field of Information Technology, the Multi Data Palembang Foundation plans to develop educational institutions at a higher level. This desire was finally realized with the issuance of the Decree of the Directorate of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education No. 189/D/O/2000, dated 7 September 2000, regarding the establishment of the MDP Computer and Informatics Management Academy and the granting of Registered Status for 2 (two) study programs, namely Informatics Management (D3) and Computer Engineering (D3). One year after the implementation of the AMIK MDP, on July 5, 2001, the Decree of the Directorate of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education was issued no. 60/D/O/2001, regarding the establishment of the Palembang Multi Data Computer and Informatics Management College (STMIK MDP) and the granting of Registered Status to 2 (two) study programs, namely Informatics Engineering (S1) and Information Systems (S1). Complementing the existing study programs at STMIK MDP, on August 7, 2001 the issuance of a permit to organize 1 (one) new study program, namely the Computerized Accounting Study Program (D3).

Along with the times, and in order to create quality graduates, STMIK/AMIK MDP took the ISO certification test, and on March 2, 2004 succeeded in obtaining the ISO 9001-2000 certificate on management from SGS with No. AU04/2002. In the academic field, on January 28, 2005, the Information Systems Study Program and the Informatics Engineering Study Program received "ACCREDITATION" status from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN PT) with letter No. 001/Ban-PT/Ak-VIII/S1/I/2005, then on June 8, 2005, the Computer Engineering Study Program and the Computerized Accounting Study Program also received "ACCREDITATION" status from BAN PT with letter No. 005 /Ban-PT /Ak-V/Dpl.III/VI/2005. Finally, on July 7, 2005, the Informatics Management Study Program also received an "ACCREDITATION" status from BAN PT with letter No. 007/BAN-PT/Ak-V/Dpl-III/VII/2005. So that currently all Study Programs at STMIK/AMIK MDP have obtained the status of "ACCREDITATION".

On April 9, 2021, based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 125/E/O/2021 concerning the Merger of AMIK MDP, STMIK GI MDP, and STIE MDP into Palembang Multi Data University.
