Information System (S1)

Information Systems regarding the use of Information Technology in business and management. Information system is a technique of integrating information technology solutions with business processes so that the organization's information needs can be met.

The information factor is seen as an important resource in production, especially in relation to organizational needs, and is a very important factor in achieving the vision and mission of the organization that has been set.


Menjadi program studi yang mempunyai daya saing tingkat nasional pada tahun 2040 dalam perencanaan dan pengembangan sistem informasi di bidang enterprise

  1. Organizing an education system that is planned, integrated, and up to date.
  2. Carrying out research and development of appropriate technology to the community so that it can contribute to support the development and application in the field of information systems.
  3. Cooperating with government and private agencies or other universities to increase the competitiveness of students/alumni
Profil Lulusan

Profil Lulusan bagi program studi Sistem Informasi antara lain:

  1. Pengembang Sistem Informasi (Information System Developer) Peran yang mencakup perancang, pembuat, penguji, pengevaluasi, pembuat aturan bisnis, hingga menyiapkan sumber-daya pendukung sistem informasi (SI). Peran ini dapat dilakukan oleh : Manajer Proyek SI/TI, Analis Sistem, Analis Sistem Bisnis, Perancang Sistem, Programmer, Arsitek Aplikasi
  2. Spesialis Data Peran yang mencakup perancang, pembangun, perawatan (termasuk updating), hingga analisis basis data. Peran ini dapat dikerjakan antara lain oleh : Database Designer, Database Programmer, Database Administrator, Analis Data, Data Warehouse Analyst, Business Intelligence Analyst.
  3. Wirausaha Peran ini dapat dikerjakan oleh technopreneur/entrepreneur yang mengoptimalkan segenap potensi teknologi sebagai basis pengembangan bisnis.